I would like some clarification about fair use of dxscripts. I have recently noticed several objects which have the code from other authors objects/widgets in them. There is no credit given to the original author in many of these cases. Is this considered OK? Should it be classed as ripping? Can I (as the author of the scripts and should I choose to) request the removal of any of them using my code without permission?
I personally have no objection to people using my scripts providing it is with my permission and they mention it explicitly in any uploads. This is mainly so I am aware of who is using what and who will need to be informed should I then later update the scripts/find a bug. It's also partially because like any skinner I like to know that people find my stuff useful.
I design the skins in a way that the code can just be lifted and reused easily intentionally but I like to know that people are doing so. I would also like to categorically say that if my code is used in any gadgets without my express permission I will request from stardock that they are removed.